Chiropractic Care in McKinney TX

Chiropractic Care Adjustments
Trinity Health Solutions‘ Chiropractic Care Provider, Dr. Derrick, restores motion and efficiency to patients’ joints through the use of multiple adjustment and manipulation techniques. He will consult with you to understand your needs and goals, and then create a treatment plan with specific adjustment techniques in McKinney TX to restore your body’s full potential. Dr. Derrick works closely with our Family Medicine and Medical Massage teams, in order to achieve optimal results for your body. If you have been injured in an auto accident or personal injury accident, Dr. Derrick can see you immediately to assess your body’s injuries and needs.
Types of Adjustments in McKinney TX
A chiropractic adjustment technique where the chiropractor uses his hands directly on the patient to perform the adjustment and is not assisted by any tool or device. We primarily use this technique at Trinity Health Solutions, however any technique can be used based on patient need or request. - TABLE ASSISTED
Also known as the Thompson Technique, this chiropractic adjustment is performed using a drop-piece on the table. Dr. Derrick primarily uses this technique for adjusting the hips and pelvis in our practice, however it can be used to adjust the whole spine. - ACTIVATOR
The Activator Technique, also known as ‘the clicker’, uses a tool that makes a ‘click’ sound during the chiropractic adjustment. We primarily use this technique on apprehensive or young patients in our practice. - EXTREMITY
Most chiropractic patients don’t know this, but we can treat joints in the body outside the spine. In our multidisciplinary practice at Trinity Health Solutions, Dr. Derrick uses the Diversified and Activator techniques to adjust extremities.
For more information contact Trinity Health Solutions in McKinney TX today, and find out what options they offer for you.
8:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Trinity Health Solutions
5801 Virginia Pkwy #200
McKinney, TX 75071